
  • The Writings of the New Testament
  • The Pursuit of God - Tozer

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm gettin' another hole in my head Mama

well it's that time of year again....piercing time. i have wanted to get another piercing for some time now, probably five years. And I am thinking that there is no time like the present. i have my own ideas of what I might get but I would like to ask your opinion. What kind of piercing do you think I should get? i will post with my own thoughts in a little bit, but first....let's hear from our audience.

(This post was brought to you by the letter L and the number 23. it was written infront of a live blogging audience.)


drytona said...

Lisa. Bad idea asking people what to get, 'cause you just know there's always gonna be some joker who tells you to get an inappropriate piercing.

In fact, to save you the trouble and embarrassment of it being someone with the potential to embarrass you, I will do it:

Get your mid-thigh pierced.

(Ha ha, bet you thought I was going to say nipple or something.)

P.S. Fight the urge to delete this comment.

P.P.S. Ok, maybe I overstepped the line. Sorry. Delete this if you like.

David Hengen said...

daytona beat me to it. i'll say, for you, get your nose or top of the ear pierced.

IanShorten said...

Definitely set on the idea of behind the knee. Seexxyyy.

bcakes said...

thanks all you guys, you are REALLY helping me with my decision. not over the top Daytona. i mean it's not like you shared some deeply personal embarassing story about my "U-wear" as dave likes to call it.

thanks for a real opinion ontario d-heng. how life is okay out there. you have a visitor soon :) tomorrow i do believe.

S Wilson said...


Lola Laine said...

mmm. well i can tell you what NOT to get...lots of people in Vienna have their upper lip pierced. aie. very marilyn monroe.

Michelle said...

no way. I love those Madonna piercings.. Looks so good on some people... Like Mandie Dening. Hot.

Okay, but Lisa. For you, my dear, I can't really seem to decide what you should get done... I will brainstorm.

Sooo, I would say nose but that's WAy overdone right now... lame. The problem is that you can't go crazy because you teach at a Christian school. Too bad. :) So, no lip piercings for you... but you could probably get away with say, another earring, say on your helix. I think that's what it's called. Ouch. Or oh, you should totally pierce your septum.. then you can just hide it whenever you don't want to have a huge nose ring like a bull.. okay, that's enough input for me.