
  • The Writings of the New Testament
  • The Pursuit of God - Tozer

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I am sitting here feeling pretty down and defeated at our loss of Olmypic Hockey greatness. I'm sure you know how i feel so no need to blog very long about it but I am feeling really let down. And I'm not even a really big hockey fan, i can't imagine what some of you out there feel like.
But, anyway, I was sitting here in the computer lab and a gr.11 student asked me how my day was and I confessed my sadness over the hockey game.
He thought about it for a while and then turned back and said with a very serious expression, "You know Ms. Bennett I am currently working on a time machine and you could use it to go back in time and I will pay for your airfare to Italy and then you could figure out someway to enhance their chances of winning."
I smiled and laughed a little and said, "Well Thanks"
And then he turned back and said,
"But it isn't pattened yet so I will have to do a few test runs before I hand it over to you. Hope that's okay."
I assured him that was okay and had to laugh at his matter of factness in the whole conversation. As if this was the obvious solution to my dashed olympic hopes. Good old kids, they're not so bad after all.


Jeffrey said...

See, I think it might be better if you used his time machine to go back in time to place bets on the hockey game. That way, when Canada (alas!) loses, you could at least drown your sorrows in money. Great big heaping gobs of it.

Of course, if you did go back in time to before the time machine was built, I'm sure something unpleasant would happen.

David Hengen said...

i agree with jeffrey. messing with time can be messy itself.

dealing with kids always promises a good laugh or two. makes me think of a friend who told me about about a time they asked a class if anybody knew who pavlov was. one voice from the back said "that name rings a bell". quite funny.


bcakes said...

i never thought about betting on the game. hmmm......
and david...i bet whoever told you that story about Pavlov is pretty much the coolest teacher you know :)
I guess going back in time would cause things to go messy. Made me think of Back to the Future 2 and how the directors didn't correctly follow time travel guidelines...although it is definitely entertaining that movie was totally unrealistic. they didn't know anything about time travel.

Michelle said...

I like Back to the future. Serioulsy. Best series EVER. And what's this about it being unrealistic? I think it's perfectly realistic! Have you ever travelled through time? NO? Well, then how do you know that it doesn't work like that? ha, so there! ;)

I saw the game... it was pretty intense. I have to admit that I'm rather glad for Russia. We can't win all the time. Totally not fair to everyone else. They played really well. I was proud of them. They deserve a good win. :)

bcakes said...

granted, i have never time travelled. I would explain to you why there is a glitch in the whole going back and changing things...but it would require a white board and a flux capacitor. and maybe a Delorean and some plutonium from some Lybian terrorists. But if anyone has those, make sure to give me a ring.