
  • The Writings of the New Testament
  • The Pursuit of God - Tozer

Saturday, June 10, 2006

So I'll start a revolution from my bed

Beds: we all have one, we all love it, we all want to spend more time in it. Beds.

I am in my bed right now, as I write of the wonders of laptops. I love my bed and I haven't got to spend very much time in here recently. When it is hot I sleep downstairs but now a days sleeping downstairs is out of the question now that World Cup has begun. My house has been so crazy recently that I actually had a nap in my parent's mini van yesterday. There was laminate floor construction upstairs, World cup soccer in the i took the keys and my sleeping bad and tried to find some quiet in the mini van. Ridiculous I guess but such is life these days.
And so I'm quite happy to be in my bed right now, to take a saturday off for rejuvination. It's such a lovely place to be, no one understands me like my bed does.
I might even read a book. I am so NOT reading these days that I can't even say I'm reading anything. Normally I am slowly working my way through a book but there is no progress in that area of life these days, somehow there just isn't time.
So the plan for this morning is to stay in my bed as long as I can. Actually I have already left it once to eat something and visit with the World Cupians. But now I am back and really I am confused as to why I ever left.

I tried writing an Ode To My Bed but I just wasn't feeling it this morning, I will try again some other time.

So, if you love your bed shout it out. And if you have a good book to suggest once I actually get back to reading let me know.


IanShorten said...

"Beds: we all have one, we all love it, we all want to spend more time in it. Beds"

Sorry to burst this idea, but not everyone loves their bed or hanging out in them. I can honestly say that I hate my bed(s).

jeff said...

I like my bed. But mostly I like the person who shares my bed.

I can never not recommend Robertson Davies for his fiction. So enjoyable. You could also give "Generous Orthodoxy" a what-for, if you haven't read it yet. It's pretty okay. Thomas Merton has a nice perspective on spiritual things (you could try "No Man is an Island" or "Ascent to Truth"). And, of course, George Macdonald is one of the lords of wonder ("The Wise Woman" or "At the Back of the North Wind" or "Phantastes"). Someone who I would like to read and haven't, but have heard is good is Frederick Buechner ("Godric", "The Son of Laughter", "Brendan") -- you might want to check him out. And what list would be complete without Charles Williams? I recommend "Descent into Hell" -- utterly fantastic.

bcakes said...

ian: i guess we will have to get you a better bed so you are not as grumpy about them

jeff: you have made me excited to read. soon and very soon i will be able to. f. buechner is someone high on my priority list after reading about him in Soul Survivor but it's good to know where to start....and George MacDonald.