
  • The Writings of the New Testament
  • The Pursuit of God - Tozer

Wednesday, March 1, 2006


I pulled out of Capilano’s parking lot last night with a swish and a slide, the traction barely noticeable as we drove down the street. The world’s harsh edges were being softened and this concrete urban landscape was covered in nature’s beautiful white cloak. The snow was basically untouched and no trace of grime or dirt had touched the streets and hills. My windshield was apparently the perfect temperature to preserve snowflakes in their intricate little forms and I couldn’t bear to let the wipers crush the little beauties. So we drove home with the windshield covered in sparkling works of art.

I believe watching snow fall on a clear night is magical. In every day life when we see things fall, we hear a sound. And as you watch all this movement around you, all these things falling, it is absolutely silent. I am filled with wonder every time and it makes me feel like a little kid.

As we drove along there was a couple walking down the sidewalk knee deep in snow, hand in hand, hooded, scarfed, mitted and smiling. Watching two people enjoy a moment with so much happiness and love made everything seemed right with the world for a moment.

(the picture in the link came up when i was looking for pictures of snowflakes. apparently this is Snowflake)


Carrie said...

Nicely said Lisa. I absolutely love a fresh snowfall as well. It is so wonderful. It makes the world seem so perfect for those few untouched moments.

David Hengen said...

i like the monkey

Anonymous said...

I think that monkey looks kind of like eric..

bcakes said...

thanks anonymous, i'm sure eric will appreciate that. and who are you anonymous?

Camera Girl said...

Beautiful Gorilla:)
I remember watching a movie when I was little about a lady that lived with gorillas and after then I became obsessed with them for years.