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  • The Pursuit of God - Tozer

Monday, August 7, 2006


i was in a mall the other day and they had backpack sales and school supply sales and parents looking quizzically at lists from elementary schools making sure that little jonny has the right pencil crayons and such. what a weird realization that people are already thinking about the fall and it's only August. where did the summer go? I feel like i missed it and then i's still another four weeks left in the summer. FOUR WEEKS. last time i checked that is a whole month. There's a lot of things that can happen in a month. Not as much as nine months, but still it's a while.

I have this tendancy to look forward to the first week of september or the first six weeks of the fall. i love the fall. i wish i was going back to school and a part of the whole walking around campus with my wool sweater on and it's cold outside but the sun is warm and the leaves are changing. sigh.

i had a history class at 1:00 p.m. my third year at University and i loved going there early, sitting outside "the turtle" on the grass, eating a yogurt and granola bar and then having a little nap in the warm fall sun. it was beautiful, i wish i was there now.


i have a tendancy to rush through August, wishing it was fall and then fall comes and i want to go back to summer for just a bit. but this month i will try and embrace every day of it, embrace all the summer moments that lie within the next month and then be ready for fall when it comes.

the change of seasons is weird and the winters are often very hard on my person, but perhaps enjoying every moment of each season will allow me to be okay with winter when it comes. there are many beautiful things about winter, don't get me wrong. but i wonder if winter is awful because we believe it has stolen something from us. stolen our sun, stolen our warmth, stolen something prematurely. but i wonder if one was to soak in every moment of each season that we would be ready for winter to come when it comes.

i don't know if it's that simple or possible but something to think about. so soak away people. let's learn to be wrinkly from immeresing ourselves fully in this last month of summer.


crippled said...

I like august because it is the month of my birthing. birthing...what an excellant word

David Hengen said...

i agree with you lisa. this whole 'back to school' thing is stupid. it's just like every other holiday though, they always promote so early. (going back to school is definitely not a holiday)

i'm looking forward to september for obvious reasons. dry, non-humid edmonton

Kelela said...

Hey. Ah the summer. Wonderful. But I do also like all the seasons... So that causes a conflict. Embrace Life may be a better end off note for me. Love ya Lisa!

Michelle said...

I really like fall as well. I think it may be my favorite.

Except that I say that about every season when it comes.. except summer. Summer and I do not have a very close relationship. I mean, I like it and all, but it sometimes gets uncomfortably warm. And then I really miss wearing my nice sweaters. I really miss wearing my stripy sweaters right now. I am happy for the rain. That means I get to wear my stripy sweater tomorrow. :) *glee*

And I like the winter too. It still makes me glum many many days, but I really like it. It's happy and white and chilly. mmmmm... I can't wait for snow!!!