
  • The Writings of the New Testament
  • The Pursuit of God - Tozer

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Behind and Ahead

This week in life:
-Spring Retreat, hoping to have a funny story to share with you all
-watch a Luke or Owen Wilson film. they're fantastic. I watched The Family Stone last night and was reminded of how much I like Luke Wilson.
Quote of Luke's from Bottle Rocket where he explain why he ended up going to an aylum:
"One morning, over at Elizabeth's beach house, she asked me if I'd rather go water-skiing or lay out. And I realized that not only did I not want to answer THAT question, but I never wanted to answer another water-sports question, or see any of these people again for the rest of my life."
-three day school week.....yippeee!
-academic update marks are due by friday....booooooo!
-2 home games for the oilers.....can anyone smell the next series?

other than that life is going well which reduces the amount of deep and heavy thinking i do, or atleast reduces the amount i feel the need to write about it. i think i blog better when life is rough or a struggle.

it was a good weekend:
-good pizza and people to hang out with
-beautiful day in the sun at the legislature in the water and sun
-owned at Bochi Ball
-sat in the grass and had a lovely unplanned and unscheduled Friday night
-lay on the ground and had enough time to listen to all of Richard Strauss' Metamorphosen. (27 minutes long)
-looked at a lot of good books at chapters which makes me excited to spend August reading.
-watched the hockey game on whyte ave with a pint of cider and some lovely friends. and we won! booyah.
-watched the High Level waterfall in all its splendor on Sunday night.

The only thing this weekend was missing, if it was missing anything, was some fireworks. but in all honesty, i didn't really miss them. the weekend managed to pass at a perfect rate, not too fast and not too slow. It actually felt like a long weekend. sigh. such a lovely gift.

okay, that's all really. nothing too new or exciting but life is really pleasant, with the usual ups and downs but the coping capability that the summer and lovely new and old friends bring.

i'm out.


David Hengen said...

that sounds really nice. i like how you appreciate all the nice things.

Michelle said...

Glad you had a lovely break Lisa dear. Me as well... the weekend was a blessing.

bcakes said...

david: I got the CD, i'm so tempted to listen to it before the Kelowna trip.....
Michigan: are you home soon? maybe not. seems like you have been gone quite sometime, glad life is going well.

Michelle said...

Oh LIsa,
I`m glad that it seems to you that I`ve been gone a while. :) Warms my heart it does.

It`s only been 3 weeks really, and only 2 more to go. I will be home june 10th. :) Get ready for birthday party fun!!

We will have to have a hot coffee date soon after I return. Love you