I am reading a book right now entitled "Through Painted Deserts" (previously published as "prayer and the art of Volkswagen maintenance"). It is a book about a road trip across the U.S. of A.
roadtrips are wonderful things. I love the idea of driving until you can't stay awake and then sleepily crawling into the back and curling up under a pile of clothes, pillows and blankets. There is something very appealing about that complete exhaustion and finally resting. As your last effort you work your weary feet out of their shoes....Freedom! (I'm not a big fan of shoes) You lie down and a dark sky full of stars surrounds you. And you can lie there and think for hours or nuzzle down underneath the blankets, happy to be finally warm and drift off to sleep. How strange that sleeping in a van could be so appealing, but it is. It really is. I want to do it right now. it makes me smile to think about it.
I like the idea of knowing exactly what you are going to be doing tomorrow and that you could have such a clear destination but being in no rush to get there. You don't have to set an alarm on a roadtrip, that is appealing in itself. It is simplistic and I yearn for it. No phone calls, no e-mails, no appointments, no stress, just open road. and the conversations are always so much better when you have time to have them.
i want to get on highway 2 right now, and just drive through the night maybe have lunch in Montana and then just keep going. driving at night makes me happy to be alive, i don't know what it is exactly. have you ever been going to get someone at the airport and then just thought....what if i just keep driving? i think i do it almost every time.
i had the opportunity to do more traveling last year and i remember one night on my way down south i was driving along and the sun had set across the Southern Alberta prairies. The farmers were taking in their crops and the dust they created made everything slightly hazy and soft. i was the only one on the highway and then the music began "Don't the hours grow shorter as the days go by". it was what i would call a perfect Canadian moment. there was nowhere else i wanted to be than on that highway heading South.
so anyone up for a roadtrip?
hi lisa!
i like it when worlds collide. i also like that you have a blog now.
and you know, vancouver is an excellent destination for a road trip!
Is that a good book?
it's all right. i'm enjoying it. it's not deeply profound but so far it is thoughtful. i bought it because of the following exerpt.
"Let me repeat one word for you. LEAVE. Roll the word around on your tongue for a bit. It is a beautiful word, isn't it. So strong and forceful, the way you have always wanted to be. And you will not be alone. You have never been alone. Don't worry. Everything will still be here when you get back. It is you who will have changed. "
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