i would like to take a moment out of this lovely day to tip my hat to the old gentlemen in this world. i have a break during the day and end up doing my grocery shopping or what have you in the middle of the day which is prime time for the seniors of the world to be out and about.
and one of the things i really love is seeing these little men who wear their hats and cardigans and step aside to let me through and act like gentlmen. they are very adorable and maybe if i'm really good someone will let me take one home with me. i like that they wear their hats out and that they still believe in dressing up when they go out. i know that i am proned to wanting to wear my sweat pants out a lot of the time and for dressing up to sometimes entail wearing jeans but i love the old men. and they are so lovely to their wives, helping them on with their coats and treating them so well. i love observing it and i love the little old men. there is something specifically wonderful about a man helping a lady on with her coat and a man standing up at a table when a woman walks in the room.
Now i am willing to admit that there are definitely things girls should be doing as well, not sure what they are but you can let me know if you think about it. i realize it's a two way thing. but anyway, the old men are fantastic.
so let us tip our hats to these men. the forefathers of our time. let us tip it in honor of looking stellar when they grocery shop, for treating me such chilvary and for making my day by just existing.
(ok...I was going to write that before reading michelle's comment!)
wicked post bcakes! I love old men!
i think i would look ridiculous with that hat and cardigan on.
yay! others than share the love of cute old men. aaron, you make me a little nervous though :)
dave, you might look weird in a cardigan and hat now...but just wait. there will come a time...oh...there will come a time.
I'm glad you join me in my love (i use that term loosely) of old men. I think they are so great. You described them very well!
carmen, i remember you and old men :) just joking.
yay that you all experience the same joy by seeing these lovely little gentlemen in the world.
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