i spent a lovely evening outdoors on our deck yesterday. it was so lovely just to sit and breath in the sweet blossom summer air, the trees in my backyard are in full blossom right now. this is my favorite time of year I think. As you sit there, little white petals fall on your face and in your hair. I love the long days of sunlight we get up here in the arctic :)
in summer time it seems that the world is at peace and I believe that he is right. that's exactly what last night was....peaceful. and i needed a peaceful moment after the day I had. My stomach was feeling a bit off but somehow the summer night soothed my body and my soul. a little gift from God. pleasant company on a warm summer evening, what more could one ask for.
it is beautiful in the summer in edmonton. and perhaps it is more beautiful because of the winter we have to go through. we are more thankful and drink in more summer moments because it does not last that long.
last night as i sat there i thought that it almost seems that during the summer there is less evidence that we live in a fallen world , that when we look outside now we get a picture of how God intended the world to be and intends the world to be again one day. there is more life, more growth. make sure to drink in these summer moments.
i have put a few summer quotes on here. listed in order of my least favorite to my most favorite. you can imagine the ones about june actually are about may.
In summer, the song sings itself. ~William Carlos Williams
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time. ~John Lubbock
What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade. ~Gertrude Jekyll
The summer night is like a perfection of thought. ~Wallace Stevens
If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance. ~Bern Williams
reading this made me smile...that's all i can say : )
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