
  • The Writings of the New Testament
  • The Pursuit of God - Tozer

Thursday, March 9, 2006

The inner workings of my mind.

I have decided to share several unconnected things that have happened to me lately or things that I have realized. You can decide whether or not they are profound.

1) Walking into an IGA and having that bakery smell waft over you is a lovely experience. You can almost taste the Long-John's with their chocolatey sauce.

2) Walking into an IGA and having the bakery overwhelm your senses is a little hard on the celiac in all of us. Or at least the celiac in me.

3) I was making playdough and was reminded of a funny thing.
In my first year of University a boy had asked me to meet up with him for lunch in SUB and I wasn't sure it was a date or not. And things with boys have always confused me.
Anyway, I was worried we wouldn't have anything to talk about or that we would have awkward lulls and so i made playdough for us to play with incase of awkwardness. there we were in SUB playing with playdough.

4)When in IGA I realized how easy it would be to steal Koolaid. So...if anyone wants to start a black market for koolaid, where we sell it for less that 50 cents a pack...I'm in.

5)The smell of Koolaid makes me automatically think of beautiful summer days.

6)Watching old people walk down the street holding hands makes me feel safe.

7)I have a sneaking sensation that God has a hand in my spider solitaire games. I know that's totally ridiculous but I actually kind of think that.

8)One should never try to learn to play backgammon from instructions that came with an inexpensive game, especially when the instructions are loosely translated into English.

9)I have a sense that I might be the coolest person alive if I can just figure out how to play backgammon. If you know how, please teach me.

I find Romans 9-11 is confusing.
a. One of my youth group kids at bible study noticed my confusion with Romans 9 and gently said, "Here can use my bible. It might be easier for you to understand." And he handed me his kids adventure bible.
b. I was not the only one frustrated though. I will quote an anonymous youth group kid, "When I get to heaven I'm going to punch Paul in the face. 'Hey Paul...remember Romans 9?' WHAMO!"

12) Bono: "Don't ask God to bless the things you are doing, get involved with things God is doing, because they're already blessed." (You should all go and watch his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast

13. Matthew 25 actually might be a literal passage. We are supposed to be out feeding people and clothing them, visiting them in the hospital and prisons. Not just being nice to everyone we meet. Maybe you all knew it was literal...but are we living this out?

Wearing sunglasses makes me feel like I have entered a new realm of coolness.

Driving wth my window down on a sunny day makes me feel more alive.

16. Funny quote when talking about the Opening Ceremonies about the Olympics: "They're not weird....they're artistic." From one artist to another...i have to say is "amen brother. amen."

17. I pulled my first intentional doughnut in my car. E-break and all. I had no idea how fun it would be.

(More on Bono and Matthew 25 in a later blog.)


David Hengen said...

i like the appreciation you have for the little things in life... does that have anything to do with you being little? (i couldn't help myself)

Jacob said...

I have a theory that backgammon isn't a real game. Honestly, just look at it. There's no way you could play a game on a board like that. It's clearly some kind of a joke.

Romans 9 is my least favorite chapter in the Bible, and that's saying something. Anyone wishing to punch Paul in the face for writing this can form a line behind me.

If Matthew 25 is really meant to be taken literally then not only are we supposed to be feeding and clothing and visiting the least of these, but our salvation depends on doing this. How literally are you willing to take this passage?

drytona said...

Let's just say you can pull a Lover's Leap on my Backgammon board any time.

bcakes said...

david: probably it does have to do with my size. it's easier to catch the little things when you're that much closer to their eye level

jacob: i don't know how literally i am willing to take the passage. but i think i took that passage in a VERY figurative sense and have realized that I am actually supposed to be doing these things, in Edmonton...right now. not just some version of them.

Daytona: looking forward to the next chance i get to roll a 6 and a 5. you should have seen the looks i got from students today...what with my new tattoos.

crippled said...

that was nice that you played playdough together, how come you never brought it to the legislature.

IanShorten said...

Lisa I like you. You post the things that I dare not post because I'm shy with things that I truly enjoy. Vanquish the globe!

bcakes said...

Ian...I like you too.
Cripple: i will bring playdough with me everywhere just in case we ever find ourselves in the middle of a terribly romantic date again and don't know what to do.