Have you ever felt like you are living life in repeat. You know that you do the same old, same old? That life is full of movies, going for coffee, movies, and maybe playing the occasional game of soccer or cards?
Now don't get me wrong. I really like watching movies and I like movies that are poignant, that make me laugh or make me think, or even better...that do both. I like being with people and sharing life over a cup of coffee. These are all good things.
But I also have stopped being creative in what I do and how i live life. And luckily I have some very lovely people to spend time with but I just want to make sure we aren't missing out on something bigger and even better.
I will venture to say that rich and meaningful relationships and interaction with people is what gives life it's meaning, but maybe there is more than just that. Perhaps it is having adventures and doing crazy things or maybe it's all about perspective. I have been wanting to write a blog about how life is a matter of perspective, but that will come later on.
I will also venture to say that this repeating feeling might be directly related to cabin fever. Honestly I think that an actual activity i might plan with someone is to go running barefoot through a field of nice grass and lie down and watch the sky, or perhaps to just go for a walk in sandals. But that hasn't happened quite yet. But still......
I have been thinking for a very long time (like a year) about a verse where Jesus says, "I have come that you might have life and have it to the full." And so it seems to me that he is saying that whatever we were living before Jesus wasn't half of what he is offering us. And yet often my life seems less exciting or just the same as people who don't know about Jesus and what he offers. And I want to figure out what it means but at the same time I think, "What does this look like in reality, what does this look life in every day life?"
I have many ideas on this subject. But i would like to poll my blog audience for what you think it means. And perhaps to collect a bunch of ideas that are much beyond the regular movie watching, same old, same old. I like the same old, same old but we all need a little spice in life. It's funny how we want to change and so we say that instead of always going to one place for coffee we will spice it up by going somewhere else for coffee...which is fine and good. But what about something other than going for coffee?
I think if we want to see the effect of Jesus in people's lives we should look at the "even if it's not true" stuff. As in, "even if it's not true, I think it's good for people to be Christians because..." The reason I like this way of looking at it is it's not belief-dependent or experience-dependent. We can all see it and we can all pretty much agree to it, whether or not we're Christians. Maybe this takes the magic or the mystery out of it, but I it also makes it more tangible and credible.
I've asked a lot of people why they're Christians, and overwhelmingly the answer is something to the effect that they think they'd feel afraid or empty or purposless if they weren't. And if they've become Christians as adults, generally it's because they were afraid or empty or purposless, and it seems that their conversions were the turning points in their lives. Exactly what they turned from and to varies from person to person, but most of them could complete the scentence "I once was _____ but now am _____, was _____ but now I _____." (Although most of their answers will be a little different from John Newton's.)
You ask what life to the full looks like in reality, in every day life. My response would be what does it look like in your life? How would you be different if you weren't a Christian?
i know that when i moved to edmonton, this was one of the first things that i noticed. it seemed like everyone just did the same things over and over again. going to tim hortons, slurpees, soccer, settlers (at the time), cards and so on. but i think those things are just something to keep our hands busy while we spend time together. and i think thats what life is about. there is alot of fellowship to be had, but we should still remember that we are lights in the world. maybe we need to spend more time "in" the world. i don't know. i feel like i've been "in" the world non-stop for three months, and i could use a break. this was incoherent.
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