In a recent post I mentioned that I had a new favorite chocolate bar. This might not seem like a big deal to some of you that can eat whatever they want in life. But to celiac's treats are hard to come by and there are very few chocolate bars I can eat, so when I find one I like it's important.
Now some of you might not know that I had an addiction to Eatmores for quite some time. I would buy one when I went to 7-11, to Mac's, in the grocery store lineup, every time I stopped for gas and even sometimes when I didn't need gas. At the height of it all I was eating about 2-4 a week. I believed an Eatmore and a slurpee to be a meal supplement and Janess can back me up on that one. I used to think that all I would expect from a date was an eatmore and a slurpee.
The obsession was so severe that I decided to go off Eatmores and slurpees for lent. but after by 40 day lenten fast things just weren't the same, things were different. this dance that had once been so effortless, so easy, was now an awkward movement that not enjoyable for either of us. whatever had been there was gone, and over those 40 days part of me had died.
things began to get a little rocky, i was eating them out of obligation because it was what I had always done. during that time i dabbled unfaithfully in other chocolate bars, looking for something to fill that void. i found Reese Peanut Butter cups. It was a sweet but short relationship. I needed something more than just peanut butter and chocolate, I needed something I could depend on.
I began to return to a chocolate bar from the halloween days. a funny mini-chocolate bar that looks like a piece of poo but definitely does not taste like one (and I would know). Wunderbar.
at first i was hesitant, visiting only once or twice. i didn't want to commit to early, i didn't want to give Wunderbar the impression that i was in this for good. i didn't want to say something that i couldn't back up with commitment. i had just been through a hard break up with eatmore....could a chocolate bar be replaced that quickly in my life? how could i explain this to people? it is possible to fall in love twice? i was so unsure, i felt like i was in jr.high all over again (in the jr.high concession line). after a while though it convinced me that it was worthy of my time and money. peanut butter, chocolate, rice crisps crunch, caramel sweet goodness. Wunderbar - oh how i love thee. I have come home once again, after a long journey of frustration and brokenness I am at home again with a favorite chocolate bar.
Funny thing after all this, I have recently decided that I cannot morally buy chocolate anymore, unless it is fair trade. the chocolate industry is absolutely awful and it seems that i must make a moral choice here. so perhaps i can have wunderbars on every second friday and alternating thursdays. i don't know. i guess we'll have to have one of those relationship talks about it all. and we all love those. how does this sound, " i can see you anymore because you defy my morals." or "i just don't think this relationship will work because you go against everything in my life that i hold dear." i'll keep working on it.
funny... i use to be in love with score now all i eat is my own chocolate gew-mash that i make out of powdered coco and maple syrup, it is so good if you are ever in a chocolat emood. it also makes a sweet base for hot chocolate (rice milk of course).
Oh Lisa, I love you
Lisa, you make me smile
(this is kari, by the way.)
once I cheated on cookies & cream with a big turk. although in the moment I found it to be sweet and satisfying, in the long run it was not worth it. just remember, just because it looks tasty doesn't mean it a good move.
You thoroughly impress me, NO ONE likes butterfinger. I myself and a coffee crisp guy.
bean: i hope i get the chance to try your maple syrup concoction. Perhaps sometime this summer.
Michigan: love you too and will see you soon at camp.
Kari: :)
Jenna: I'm glad someone else understands the importance of faithfulness in this type of relationship.
Anonymous:I'm not sure where you got Butterfingers from in this conversation but I once was obsessed with Coffee Crisps, until I couldn't eat wheat anymore. sigh
Lisa, I'm not sure if I can handle this switch. It may be too hard on my system. It will crush me to see the neglected eatmore on the shelf while you grab for a wunderbar. I may just have to eat the eatmore myself. However, your choice of a new chocolate bar was magnificent, definitely one of my favorites. Are you glad to be done school? Excited for glorious camps? Well, we need to go for coffee or something sometime. I guess probably not till after camps now, oh well that will be good, we'll have tons of stories for each other. We'll be praying for you.
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