
  • The Writings of the New Testament
  • The Pursuit of God - Tozer

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

There are so many things that go unsaid in movies. And I find this excruciating. I realized just how difficult I find this when I was watching Music and Lyrics last night. (I liked the film but that is besides the point). I made this realization during the classic romantic/comedy moment when the lovers have separated over some argument or stubbornness, and the music plays while they show several scenes of them listlessly trying to piece their lives together without the other.

You see in movies the girl or boy always walks away before the person can wrap their toungue around whatever they were going to say, or there is some miscommunication that causes the lovers to separate and if they just called each other up and said what they were thinking it would all be sorted out. But instead they sit by windows as it rains and drink coffee in a catatonic state.

I loathe things going unsaid. I think it is why I hate the OC and those sorts of shows, so many things not communicated, people don't say what really happened or what they're really thinking. Arrrrggghhhh. I mean, although I love the Office, the entire Jim and Pam thing is based around people not saying what they should and Pam just not owning up to the fact that she loves Jim.

And these parts in movies are even more unbearable is that the reality of things going unsaid resonates deeply within me. Those things that I wish i had said to that person several years ago or that i wish even now I had the guts or wisdom to say. You know what i mean? When you just didn't say what you were actually thinking, when I acted in my better judgement and was not completely honest, when I tried to separate myself from my feelings and make the decision I thought I "should" make.

My mother, bless her soul, always tells me that I should start living what I WANT to do and not what I SHOULD do. but it's hard to get out of that habit because I have lived the way i thought I SHOULD for so long. However, in that time i think i have let some people go that i shouldn't have, and kept others when they were obviously bad for me. And I'm not just talking romantic here.

But I sometimes i think...if i left myself to what I wanted we would be in a sad state because I am a person who struggles with my flesh. sometimes it feels like i do the opposite of what I want to do because I don't trust my own judgement on what is good and right.

C.S. Lewis writes the following passages "We have been like bathers who want to keep their feet - or one foot- or one toe- on the bottom, when to lose that foothold would be to surrender themselves to a glorious tumble in the surf."

Perhaps I need to let go a little bit, trust that doing what I want could actually be a giving of God's glorious freedom to me, and not live in this guilt and "should" mentality.

As to what becomes of the things that have gone unsaid between me and other people, I am not sure. I do not yet possess the wisdom to reconcile those situations and have some sense that time will continue to give me that wisdom. I hope.

For now, I will try and lift my feet off the ocean floor and surrender myself to the surf.


Michelle said...

i love you Lise

i agree and comiserate...

"Perhaps I need to let go a little bit, trust that doing what I want could actually be a giving of God's glorious freedom to me, and not live in this guilt and "should" mentality."

...and that is very true... for you and me both

bon chance!

Anonymous said...

a glorious tumble in the surf is often a much needed joy. unfair pressures and expectations can be miraculously swept away by the waves.
it's true that in the course of relationships/friendships/life, things often go unsaid, even in the most communicative of situations. it's true that we look back on certain times in life and it can appear like a finely woven carpet that met with its untimely demise at the hands of a wood chipper. it often feels that to reconcile that situation would mean rescuing every piece of that carpet and weaving it back together in just the way that it originally was. .. .. i don't think that's the reality of life. sometimes it's possible, but sometimes i think the reality of life is much better than that.

perhaps what is often required of us is not to rescue that old carpet, but to take its memory in our mind... to affirm that memory, not to forget it... to have it as a reminder for the future... there needs to be forgiveness, and any wounds on either side need time to heal, but once that has happened, the old carpet can be left in the past... i don't think all of the words that have gone unsaid need to be spoken. reconciliation, i think, doesn't always require mending the old carpet. sometimes it is necessary for a new and different carpet to be woven in its place... and in that weaving, new words can be spoken that will fill in the spaces left by those words that had previously gone unsaid. the new carpet may not be what you had always dreamed the old carpet would become, but in its own way it is beautiful.

i suppose this doesn't apply to every situation, but i think it is something that hits home with me, and something i have maybe begun to learn.

Jillian said...

What!!!???? Lisa! Regent! You're coming to Vancouver!! This is so exciting! I didn't know you had applied! I'm really very jealous, and so thrilled. It's going to be amazing for you. It's such a wonderful wonderful place, with so many good people and professors... and being at Regent is such a good way to get to know the church in Vancouver. So much to learn, so many ways to be challanged, and so much joy! Eeee! SO excited. Oh wow, Lisa, God is doing so much in that city right now, and I'm so excited, because I'm so sure there are amazing plans being put ahead for you there. We're going to have to chat more. This news just insta thrilled me.

Carmen said...

I miss you lisa!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"As to what becomes of the things that have gone unsaid between me and other people, I am not sure. I do not yet possess the wisdom to reconcile those situations and have some sense that time will continue to give me that wisdom. I hope."

i just wanted to point out that there is an immense difference between being unsure of how to reconcile a situation, and choosing to ignore it entirely. a simple apology and a goodbye can go a long ways, whereas silence and rumours can create immeasurable pain.

just a random thought.

Anonymous said...

the most succinct word in the world. ... when things go unsaid. somehow i remembered this post when i sawy this :)

bcakes said...

thanks anonyme. no one writes on here anymore so it was cool to see that, what an interesting word.

Anonymous said...

heh. no problem. it's fun sometimes to be reminded of something you read a long time ago. memories and all that. ..

Baylee said...

Interesting to know.