In the past two days I have become addicted to Heroes. My sister told me to watch it so eventually we could watch them together and so i watched one and then another and yet another. Quite the addictive show. A little creepy at times, but it's about superheroes, I'm not sure why I didn't watch it sooner. I guess I don't know how to "download" things onto my computer.
The bad part about my addiction is I think I can justify it by knitting while I watch. I started a pair of socks and of course I need something to do while I knit, so I watch TV. Either Heroes or Buffy The Vampire Slayer, thanks to my lovely cousin.
And I feel almost justified in my watching huge amounts of television which is ridiculous i know, but i am sort of being productive, although I don't do anything else. If I started knitting some sort of project for people in Africa or something, I might even think of myself as a saint and not just "productive".
I have been watching them on peekvid.com but have run into a wall at Episode four. I can't get any epsidoes beyond episode 3 to load. It's an incredibly sad thing. So does anyone know how I can continue watching Heros? Don't think about it as feeding an addiction, think of it as caring for your good friend and her lack of a social life. I really do sort of have this addictive thing to TV shows if I get into them. I watched a whole season of Average Joe once with my mom, i wanted to know what happened. So it is best for me to watch all the episodes and be done with it.
Even when I watch movies I would rather fast forward to the end, know what happens and then
rewind the movie and watch it in peace. a bit strange, but 'tis who i am.
The weird part is that I'm quite content knitting and watching Heroes or Buffy. Sitting in my room after running after children all day, watching and knitting. Quite enjoyable. I mean, Heroes is exciting, I don't think I could handle much more stimluation than that.
I know I'm a little late to jump on the Heros bandwagon. But I should have a long time ago, you know my sister Claire is on the show and all. But I really like it. Especially Hiro. He is such a great character, except for the fact that he is supposed to be Japanese and it so obviously Korean. Minor detail to Western world but is a big deal in Korea I imagine. I hope that Korean people aren't too offended by that. But I really like that they always speak in subtitles. Instead of Americanizing the characters.
But what is with Niki, she's creepy with her whole alter ego and Siler. Maybe i should watch Heros with someone else for safety sake. It's a little creepy in quiet house where you are alone. But I ask you, what is life without a nightmare or heart stopping fear everyonce and a while?
So if anyone knows how to get episode four or whatever that would be awesome. Thanks. As for now I'll continue eating candy that the teacher I'm subbing for left me. Quite the life.
The bad part about my addiction is I think I can justify it by knitting while I watch. I started a pair of socks and of course I need something to do while I knit, so I watch TV. Either Heroes or Buffy The Vampire Slayer, thanks to my lovely cousin.
And I feel almost justified in my watching huge amounts of television which is ridiculous i know, but i am sort of being productive, although I don't do anything else. If I started knitting some sort of project for people in Africa or something, I might even think of myself as a saint and not just "productive".
I have been watching them on peekvid.com but have run into a wall at Episode four. I can't get any epsidoes beyond episode 3 to load. It's an incredibly sad thing. So does anyone know how I can continue watching Heros? Don't think about it as feeding an addiction, think of it as caring for your good friend and her lack of a social life. I really do sort of have this addictive thing to TV shows if I get into them. I watched a whole season of Average Joe once with my mom, i wanted to know what happened. So it is best for me to watch all the episodes and be done with it.
Even when I watch movies I would rather fast forward to the end, know what happens and then
rewind the movie and watch it in peace. a bit strange, but 'tis who i am.
The weird part is that I'm quite content knitting and watching Heroes or Buffy. Sitting in my room after running after children all day, watching and knitting. Quite enjoyable. I mean, Heroes is exciting, I don't think I could handle much more stimluation than that.
I know I'm a little late to jump on the Heros bandwagon. But I should have a long time ago, you know my sister Claire is on the show and all. But I really like it. Especially Hiro. He is such a great character, except for the fact that he is supposed to be Japanese and it so obviously Korean. Minor detail to Western world but is a big deal in Korea I imagine. I hope that Korean people aren't too offended by that. But I really like that they always speak in subtitles. Instead of Americanizing the characters.
But what is with Niki, she's creepy with her whole alter ego and Siler. Maybe i should watch Heros with someone else for safety sake. It's a little creepy in quiet house where you are alone. But I ask you, what is life without a nightmare or heart stopping fear everyonce and a while?
So if anyone knows how to get episode four or whatever that would be awesome. Thanks. As for now I'll continue eating candy that the teacher I'm subbing for left me. Quite the life.
Missed you at book club...
It's funny to hear you say you skip to the end. Someone was saying, I think it was Anna, that she skips to the end of books to see what happens. This idea is completely foreign to me. If I know the end of something, whats the point of reading the middle? Plus, then all the lovely suspense is broken. :( so sad. (but each to his own I always say... ) ;)
ps: and it's funny how you remind me of a grama... knitting and watching tv for fun... :) oh LIse. I love ya
Hey, comments work again!
Just thought I'd let you & your readers know... Masayori Oka—the guy who plays Hiro—actually is Japanese. He was born in Tokyo. Check out his imdb page here. Reasons why he might be mistaken for a Korean may lay in the Japanese Empire's efforts to control Korea throughout each country's interrelated history—if my recollection of world history serves me right.
Wow... IQ of 180. Smart guy.
Mich: I'm not a big fan of suspense i think. that's the reality. my imagination just goes wild. ask me sometime about watching Spanglish....oh dear. I made up my own suspense in that one.
LE: thanks for all the comments. I will check it out and interesting that he is actually Japanese, he looks so Korean. Probably that history stuff.
I am soo thankful that you admitted to watching Buffy The vampire Slayer. My little sis and I were dedicated watchers when it was on TV. She recently has purchased season 1 and season on DVD, so as soon as it arrives were going to watch it all over again.
lisa, i thought i'd post a comment after talking with you about this last night. i think heroes is a ridiculous show. but i have to admit that i've never seen it. it just looks silly.
see you next week.
i have watched all the heroes shows exept last weeks episode. i watcched them in one day. it was the best day of my life. i was thinking of waiting till the whole show is done and on DVD that way i can just sit down for a couple days and get it over with. it frusterates me to no end not knowing what is going to happen. i watched them off various upload/downloaders but they were all linked from www.yourtvlinks.com however the "owners" have been shuting down the hosts left right and center. why just the other day i was hoping to rewatch the first season of the office and none of the links worked. usually though you can get pretty recent stuff link if it isn't more than a couple weeks old. good luck.
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