I bought lovely socks from MEC today. What a wonderful thing. It's amazing how much excitement and joy they bring me. There are millions of things in the world that one could buy but warm socks is one of the most lovely. I've recently got into knitting socks and slippers because I enjoy the idea of giving someone else warm feet. and they're super fun for sliding around on floor with.
If I was rich and had one thing to be frivolous with I think i would buy a new pair of perfect fitting socks every day. I'm sure there are other things but I enjoy wearing new socks so much. They are so tight and warm and thick. A friend of mine said he would buy doves and then have them fly out from behind him when he walked into a room. That was a pretty good one i thought.
so....what would you do if you had one frivolous thing to do with your bundles of cash?
I really like socks as well Lisa. Especially the hiking kind. they are so lovely and last for so long. YOu know what bugs me, when you buy soft socks and then after the first wash they are no longer soft. Hiking socks last forever!
If I had to be rich and be frivolous with one thing (which I would just like to say will never happen - being rich, or doing the following frivilous thing) I would buy ridiculous amounts of striped clothing so that I could always have striped sweaters or striped scarves or striped mittens or striped socks or striped underwear. That would be lovely. I like stripes.
and especially lots of striped knee socks like the ones in the picture. THose are awesome!
hey lisa, i'm not sure you're going to check this, but on the off chance that you do. i think i would buy (or hire) myself a man servant. that would be awesome.
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