I was driving home last night and happened to see a sign for a church. It had the regular verse or pun-ny comment and then at the bottom it said, "We Worship at 11:00".
And I thought to myself, what a ridiculous thing to say. We worship at 11:00. I get annoyed that people ignore what Worship really means. It's not just a thing we do when we are singing or a thing we do only at 11:00 on Sunday mornings. It is an ongoing thing. An everyday, 24/7 thing. It's giving God the glory in everything we do. It's our expression of love for him.
I am often frustrated by my own way of speaking and others way of speaking, saying that I am part of a worship band, or....a Praise and Worship hour. Or that we need to be singing to be worshiping, or worshiping happens at a certain hour. Worship is supposed to happen everywhere and it is in singing for sure, it is also in giving money to people, in using our talents in every day life, for being people of integrity and living by God's laws, it is in walking old ladies across the street, in reading our bibles, in sitting in a field letting the sun warm us and enjoying the breeze on our faces and just being outside, it is in being thankful and sooo....it's not just an 11:00 thing.
We worship at 11:00. What time do you worship at? Oh you know I prefer the time between 2:43 and 2:56. I really feel God is the most powerful at that time.
NO...it should say "we continue our worship together at 11:00", or "we meet at 11:00 to get together and enjoy each other's company", or "there will be people at our church at 11:00 if you want to drop by".
I have a fascination with Jewish culture and people. I want to be Jewish. I admire that their interaction with God is not compartmentalized, it is in everything they do. It is in how they dress, how they eat, how the build their houses, how they raise their children, how the live life. And I dislike how in Christian circles, my own life included, we compartmentalize God. You know? We spend quiet time with God in the morning and that is our time to think about him, and then we don't' think about him the rest of the day. Or we meet God on a Sunday sitting in pews and that's it, we don't meet him anywhere else. I want my relationship with God to be in and through everything i do. Not just leaving worship until 11:00 every week but rather this every day, living and breathing thing. So that when I get to church at 11:00 it is only a continuation of something that has already been going on during the week.
I'm sorry to all those that make church signs but sometimes they just really urch (erk) me. This is probably is for now. off to princeton. maybe i'll find sometime while i'm there or sometime once more before I leave to write something. Until then keep it real.
First of all, church signs are the worst. I hate them immeasurably.
I get your frustration with "worship". The problem with language is that words change meanings, like how worship now means "singing songs in a church", and there's nothing to be done about it. The worst offense, in my opinion, is against the word love.
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