Recently I've started arriving early so I can watch my professor's screen saver. He has thousands of beautiful pictures of people. I sit there in the early sleepy quiet that morning classes bring and am reminded of the beauty there is in regular every day life, in regular every day people.
My prof tells us several times every class that the New Testament is about Transformation. This man, Jesus, changed everything and changes us when we meet him. He always says "Something has happened, and the world will never be the same!" This something is Jesus.
My prof spends a lot of time in class talking about how human beings are "image-bearers" of the mighty Creator God. He talks about how this reality should radically change how we see the world. If all people bear God's image then slavery is wrong because we are treating those that bear the mark of the creator as possessions rather that infinitely valuable creations. We start to care for the poor because they are precious humans being marginalized. We love our fellow man because God made them and knowing God should change how we see everyday people.